- 註冊時間
- 2012-4-10
- 精華
- 在線時間
- 小時
- 米币
- 最後登錄
- 1970-1-1
累計簽到:4 天 連續簽到:2 天
一.! V& M O/ y; m. i1 X3 ^6 i
/system/etc/firmware/nvram.txt5 w) s& |6 v! P* Q! y% D& Y3 f
或者是1 O* y1 s( f. G
6 Q) }3 t5 b8 F) t% }: Z二.9 k" a; h& ^, }# \! c+ a
需要安装AndroidSDK和FASTBOOT/adb的驱动程序。: t, N" x5 i% c; G- z: ]9 F2 I
1)打开一个新的命令窗口。' W2 T1 m, d+ P# [- z0 d
1 ?: x B* Z: ?7 Q# S: `3)输入cd \
9 H0 c6 }3 W# [4) 输入cd AndroidSDK\tools4 p2 l6 }- Y7 q6 o& Y' _
5) 打开手机进入Fastboot
! t: h. J' z( C* C8 v% ]! k astboot OEM rebootRUU
8 ^( t7 r0 N9 O! T; }6)在您的手机会重新启动,8 f) I7 w% Z% w* _
, c" _7 r6 W3 `: x
type:FASTBOOT OEM emapiWlanMac) i' L0 c+ e$ f! C7 I
你会得到这样东西:. A" r9 g1 T% h- |, A) j
... INFONotice: This MAC address takes effect only: U) F) o ]9 T& O
when your platfor/ H' `/ z* v5 q4 l u& m" t
INFOm is EEPRON-less configuration. Please use (emapiTest) to v
: c; K; N% ]) C) IINFOerify it !
( X4 q. K2 v1 ?( R1 XINFO0x00000000
6 Q( w' |8 B Q2 a& v }7 KINFO0x000000DE3 Q. |# o7 B3 b n T
- { L( l5 C4 d) ~INFO0x000000BE
, A. n8 |5 m+ H" H1 ]- gINFO0x000000EF1 Z' |0 e! L4 P/ `9 y+ S
INFO0x00000000% t3 Y ^- D5 Q/ M
INFO-eMapiWlanMacCommand, status = 11 S( Q$ X! h A0 Q2 P6 _' D$ y8 h
OKAY [ 0.025s]
( i2 P! l7 }- {) C$ c, U# g# b, m& Zfinished. total time: 0.026s
7 R9 Z& N* K ?/ E. ~( k请注意您的MAC地址(中强调的部分 - 这个MAC地址是00: DE:AD:BE:EF:00)。
& e2 G- n. O( D7)现在,输入命令来设置新的MAC地址(MAC地址应该用空格代替':'):( I: A7 J3 y+ j$ q W8 _/ M
fastboot oem emapiWlanMac 00 01 02 03 04 05
4 _9 z8 E. ~" c% j2 G! W3 b! r) {MAC地址修改成了00:01:02:03:04:05。
+ R' s$ `, Q0 x: f) }& o7 {8)完成!输入重新启动:
, O! |# Y& V. k5 |' [fastboot oem boot
* Q+ F" ^. u' C. E: Q$ N# F这样mac地址就改好了
0 C" F( i. u% h1 K9 f- `9 Z# T3 a' N; _: e$ S: l
7 c8 }9 Z" L- H! C
! {% A( {! X1 s, N) Y还有更简单的方法,用rootExplorer打开,选目录权限,允许修改,然后改。* f) i' c. F4 g5 B4 F, H1 \
* }! \% ]9 J5 Y* h! [) j# U
% I: ]) A- y) e$ |; h: }% R, H- ?$ E) ]2 a: b7 H9 s6 l
6 t) h$ h' \* N# fHTC的:( E8 {: |* i. b- O; o
Here's a quick guide how to change your Hero's MAC Address.
, R7 T# }, O/ b" p/ JChanging MAC Address is legal, but check your local laws, just incase.5 [. N$ Q" t) c7 e* @- q; Y
5 g( e3 ?# ]: j
You will need the Unlocked SPL for GSM Hero to do this. Please click the link if you haven't already got it.
# P8 x3 a3 \+ d8 s* r" m2 W: J9 X, o+ X9 `( ?( A% b
You'll also need the AndroidSDK and fastboot/adb drivers installed.
, L' g5 O: ]2 o3 s/ [: i! i
+ S o9 Y8 p0 I. y1 e1) Open up a new command window.# ]- K% r$ P" q& o5 ]* p6 }
2) Type
) v5 w \& [' t: {3 `Code:
4 O, c/ c7 E) b7 b0 r# wcd \/ _/ C! I9 W1 `/ b: g9 x
3) Type
8 [8 P1 Q! Z: ^. @2 TCode:
* v( F% j7 Z8 ^: _! kcd AndroidSDK\tools: t& R: Z; O) X: R p
4) Boot your HTC Hero into Fastboot
5 p, r$ H2 p1 }$ g2 W: |- ~% K, n2 g- h5) Type:
1 J: M; Q! y/ }. k" o" Q2 T, F2 T
" t4 A& _5 e" i/ i8 Y- l9 Y, _0 rCode:
, A7 \5 ]* ]3 h. c' Bfastboot oem rebootRUU
4 K8 h R, C9 J& F6) After your phone restarts, type:5 k& S9 c2 x+ ]3 U9 X$ M+ n2 b; x
* F8 f4 p; r6 V# p% s/ d" jCode:; Q' ^3 K+ {9 g- B- O: J. @
fastboot oem emapiWlanMac
c8 b7 x; p7 HYou'll get something like:
5 }' ?* U' }% d+ Y( `% {
f' h5 ]# f; o2 Q3 G8 Z1 G! H' yCode:& W! ^& U! q& G5 R& o
... INFONotice: This MAC address takes effect only
* b: ~+ e" S% B+ \2 I0 M! Awhen your platfor
& ]9 e" T( M) x; C$ b& NINFOm is EEPRON-less configuration. Please use (emapiTest) to v
% x1 S7 V8 ?+ a: UINFOerify it !' e4 k& {7 o6 y6 c7 P& x, T
; a* Z8 m0 V7 n; i/ dINFO0x000000DE$ c7 U% Q/ f# ~( Y3 x* f+ D
INFO0x000000AD U6 v3 J' o' q5 ~: u! s
3 J$ Z# D; K2 f5 h( hINFO0x000000EF
0 j$ Z. O4 U2 W5 S4 w7 nINFO0x00000000* A" [9 @+ C- D$ x; W
INFO-eMapiWlanMacCommand, status = 1
" U: k |5 ?- v" EOKAY [ 0.025s]
E, l* y) Y/ E8 j' ?! Qfinished. total time: 0.026s
n! t3 |( m2 s! G9 C) {: [; {- `& i7 M 4 l* k* k* L% A
Make a note of your MAC Address (the sections in underline - this MAC address would be 00: DE:AD:BE:EF:00, for example).
9 a h" Z& C. g7) Now, type this command to set the new MAC Address that you want (MAC Address should use spaces instead of ':'):2 g4 ~6 t* v, g6 c( R- V2 @
# z) a: ~3 G e2 B/ x" `* rCode:
! }0 {) ~3 n0 Wfastboot oem emapiWlanMac 00 01 02 03 04 05
4 Y" @7 Q6 p8 b }% YThat would make the MAC Address 00:01:02:03:04:05.8 D# Y7 d' i' z2 \
8) Done! Type this to reboot:
# @; e/ t* A( m) d
) [/ S& O3 f* @' \, n8 vCode:
, \. ?2 g" W5 `! F. Dfastboot oem boot0 o0 q! E J) U: e, c* {8 }, w
|% W% B7 G9 d/ Y
) ]. l+ g% ?- i; n8 k
* {" l! m2 N- ^! h. }0 ]) W" {
* Q* b/ {1 S% c2 A8 H! T2 D4 Lg1的:
" H( c9 R& y3 W3 z" P: U+ i. r. O用R.E管理器打开/system/etc 找到calibration,长按,选择使用文本编辑器方式打开,
5 d+ K2 K9 {# `' S) M. F6 R第一行 macaddr=00:11:22:33:44:55 把00:11:22:33:44:55修改成你你想要的mac地址,+ N' s+ x. b$ m
1 ~. K# Y, L- [' a8 d2 k7 u这个貌似是g1的 |